Google is no more supporting Google Hindi Input Tools for Windows and so doesn’t let users download it on their Windows computers. Type in Hindi Using English Keyboard Offline on Windows After writing a sentence, copy it and paste where you want to write in Hindi. It is an excellent place to type in Hindi by pressing English alphabets like Mera Naam Raman Hai (मेरा नाम रमन है). You can easily type in Hindi with Google Hindi Input Tools Online. Type in Hindi using the English keyboard Online

I am going to tell you about Google Hindi Tool and how to use this tool on your PC to type in Hindi with an English keyboard. You can also use most of these tools for online Hindi typing. So, there are so many Hindi typing tools available on the web to type Hindi by pressing the English alphabets. Do you know that there is no special keyboard for typing Hindi, in fact, you can type in Hindi using your English keyboard. Dear friends, you must have seen on many websites, and social networks that many times people type in Hindi instead of English, and many text documents are also written in Hindi.